Monday, August 24, 2009

Exercise Not Important to Weightloss?

I'm sure many of you have heard the results of this study, which too often have been edited down to "Exercise is not important". The article makes a lot of good points. I was a great example of how you can exercise all you want and still carry around extra pounds. I gained weight while training for my first marathon and no, it wasn't all muscle.

Let's take an example: a 150-pound person will burn around 100 calories/mile, whether walking, running, crawling, skipping, whatever. So, if like many folks, you go out and jog 3 miles you've burned about 300 calories. Not bad, right? The problem is that 300 calories is the amount in a couple of cans of soda, an average protein bar, or 1/2 cup of coffee ice cream (and really, who stops at 1/2 cup). So, will exercise alone lead to weight loss? Not likely, but here are my top 5 reasons to exercise anyway:

1. It's great for managing stress.

We are all way too stressed out. Really. Want to feel better? Get out there and sweat. Works every time.

2. It's a great social outlet
Some of my best friends are the women I run with. We solve all the world's problems during our long Sunday runs. It's a blast -- and a lot healthier than going out for drinks! (Not that I would suggest that one should never go out for drinks).

3. It's empowering.
Ever have one of those days where you're lacking a little confidence? Knock out some push ups. Flex your hard-earned muscles. Or go for a walk or run in the rain while everyone drives by you with their Venti Frappuccino's. Sometimes it's nice to feel a little smug...

4. There are other health benefits -- it's not all about losing weight!

While you may not drop those last 10 pounds automatically from exercise alone, but the benefits are enormous -- lower blood pressure, lower bad cholesterol and higher good cholesterol, increased energy, deeper sleep, increased heart capacity, and on and on.

5. It does help manage weight.

Can you out-eat your workout? Of course! BUT, exercise still does burn calories and importantly, it makes you feel good -- so maybe you'll be less likely to over-indulge in ice cream later.

So -- no more excuses! Go get your workout on!

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